• 睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征发病率和相关危险因素的调查 ----------- 武汉的士司机发病和相关危险因素
  • The incidence and risk factors of sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome in Wuhan taxi driver
  • 王倩.睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征发病率和相关危险因素的调查 ----------- 武汉的士司机发病和相关危险因素[J].内科急危重症杂志,2016,22(1):
    扫码阅读全文 本文二维码信息
    中文关键词:  打鼾 睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 危险因素
    英文关键词:Snoring  Obstructive sleep apnea—hypopnea syndrome  Risk factor.
    王倩 长江航运总医院 武汉脑科医院 619834874@qq.com 
    摘要点击次数: 2426
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          【摘要】目的 调查武汉市部分出租车司机鼾症和OSAHS患病率,分析相关危险因素方法 对前来体检的出租车司机进行问卷调查(ESS),并对2级以上鼾症者进行便携式睡眠监测,推算发病率,同时分析相关危险因素。结果 参加体检司机600余人, 调查人数389人,AHI?5次/小时,诊断OSAHS46人,发病率为11.8%,危险因素为年龄,肥胖,是否宵夜和体育锻炼等。2级以上鼾症司机在开车时时有困意发生,发生或险些发生交通事故42%,99%司机否认打鼾与交通事故有关。鼾症治疗0%。结论 OSAHS患者对交通事故有不可忽视的影响,近早干预,对减少交通事故有重要意义;另外我国每年数万计人新获驾照,在获取驾照前先对高危人群进行筛查,发生的隐患指导意义。
          【Abstract】Objective To investigate the prevalence rates of snoring disease and obstructive sleep apnea—hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS)and their risk factors among taxi drivers in Wuhan,China.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted in taxi drivers when he came to have physical examination.Those who had potential snoring disease or 0SAHS underwent polysomnographic monitoring at night.The obtained data were analyzed to calculate the prevalence rates of snoring disease and OSAHS and determine the risk factors for OSAHS.Results More than 600 taxi drivers came to have physical examination,A total of 389 subjects completely questionnaires,46(11.8%)had OSAHS according to the diagnostic criterion(apnea—hypopnea index AHI>5 times/h).The multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the risk factors for OSAHS were age, obesity, or snack and physical exercises.Of the subjects with grade≥2 snoring and OSAHS often felt sleepy when driving during daytime.and 42%had suffered or nearly suffered traffic accidents due to sleepiness when driving.Moreover,99% of the 389 taxi drivers did not consider snoring is a disease. No one think to cure the disease.Conclusions: OSAHS patients have a negligible impact on traffic accident, early intervention is of great significance to reduce traffic accidents; in addition to our every year tens of thousands of people newly licensed, in getting a license before screening for high-risk groups, has guiding significance for the hidden trouble.