• H型高血压与急性脑梗死的相关性研究
  • Study on the relationship between hyperhomocystein-related hypertension and acute cerebral infractionSong-yanfeng Liu hong
  • 宋燕峰,刘红.H型高血压与急性脑梗死的相关性研究[J].内科急危重症杂志,2016,22(1):
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    中文关键词:  高血压 脑梗死 同型半胱氨酸 高血脂
    英文关键词:Hyperhomocystein-related  hypertension Acute  cerebral infraction  Ayperhomocystein, Hyperlipemia
    宋燕峰 中国人民解放军部队门诊部 武汉市汉口永清路号 qiongq1205@163.com 
    刘红 通信作者 中国人民解放军中心医院神经内科 武汉市黄浦路号 joan1205@yeah.net 
    摘要点击次数: 2530
    全文下载次数: 3774
          【】目的 :探讨H型高血压与急性脑梗死的相关性。方法:回顾分析了2011年1月至2014年12月我院收治高血压患者160例,其中 H 型高血压组90 例,单纯高血压组70例 。比较两组患者治疗及随访过程中急性脑梗死发病率以及TC、TG、HDL-C、LDL-C、Hcy水平,并行多元回归分析这5种因素与急性脑梗死的相关性。结果:H 型高血压组Hcy 水平及急性脑梗死发病率均显著高于单纯高血组,具有统计学意义(P<0.05),且H型高血压与急性脑梗死的发生具有显著相关性(P=0.00)。结论 :H型高血压是急性脑梗死最重要的独立危险因素,“双管齐下”治疗策略能够有效降低急性脑梗死的发生率。#$NL【关键词】高血压 脑梗死 同型半胱氨酸 高血脂
          Purpose:To investigate the relationship between H hypertension and acute cerebral infarction.. Methods: A total of 160 ACI patients with hypertension admitted in our hospital between January 2011 and January 2014 were enrolled in this study.The patients were divided into the H type hypertension group(Hcy≥10 μmol/L;n=90) and the control group(Hcy10<μmol/L;n=70) according to the level of homocysteine(Hcy) measured upon admission.),the Hcy、TC、TG、HDL-C、LDL-C levels were detected,and analyzed the correlation.Results:The serum level of Hcy of the group of cerebral infarction with H type hypertension was higher than that in the non H-type hypertension infarction group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The incidence of cerebral infarction in patients with H-type hypertension was higher than that in the simple hypertension group,also multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the independent risk factors for acute cerebral infarction were H-type hypertension(P=0.00).Conclusions: H-type hypertension may be an independently risk factor that is associated with recurrent cerebral infarction.The treatment on H-hypertension can reduce the concentration of plasma homocysteine and the incidence of acute cerebral infarction effectively.