• 血浆蛋白水平变化与颅脑损伤程度的相关性分析
  • The study of serum protein changes and its correlation in patients with acute traumatic brain injury
  • 温大平,崔健,王钢,杭军.血浆蛋白水平变化与颅脑损伤程度的相关性分析[J].内科急危重症杂志,2016,22(6):
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    中文关键词:  颅脑损伤  血浆蛋白  白蛋白  ALT
    英文关键词:traumatic brain injury  serum protein  albumin  ALT
    温大平 西安市第一医院神经外科 wendaping027@sina.com 
    崔健 西安医学院附属第一人民医院西安市第一医院神经外科 陕西  
    王钢 西安医学院附属第一人民医院西安市第一医院神经外科 陕西  
    杭军 西安医学院附属第一人民医院西安市第一医院神经外科 陕西  
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          【】目的:探讨颅脑外伤患者的血浆蛋白变化与损伤程度的相关性,为辅助诊断急性颅脑损伤提供参考,减少迟发性脑损伤的发生率。方法:选取我院159例急性颅脑外伤当天直接送入我院就诊的患者。依据Glasgow 评分,分为轻型组53例,中型组53例,重型组53例。同时,选取在我院治疗的癫痫病人53例作为对照组。入院后根据患者的病情给予适当的营养治疗,四组在入院的第2d,7d,14d早上空腹静脉采血,立即送至检验科测定血浆白蛋白、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT),比较各组之间不同时间段血浆蛋白含量。结果:急性颅脑损伤程度越重,血浆白蛋白下降越明显,ALT上升越明显。急性颅脑损伤程度与血浆白蛋白含量呈负相关,与ALT呈正相关。重型组、中型组血浆白蛋白含量显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。轻型组与对照组相比,未见明显差异;重型组、中型组血浆ALT含量比对照组显著升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。轻型组与对照组相比,未见明显差异。结论:血浆蛋白水平变化与颅脑损伤程度有密切关系。急性颅脑损伤发生后,机体各个器官正常表达的各种蛋白将会异常分泌,使血浆蛋白水平发生变化,血浆白蛋白降低,ALT分泌增加,血浆蛋白水平变化越大,表明患者颅脑损伤程度越重。
          Objective To investigate serum protein changes and its correlation in patients with acute traumatic brain injury in order to diagnose traumatic brain injury and reduce the incidence of delayed cerebral injury. Methods One hundred and fifty nine cases with traumatic brain injury who were sent directly into the our hospital were selected, and they were divided into light group, medium group and heavy group based on Glasgow grading. Also, fifty-three cases with epilepsy in our hospital were selected as control group. According to the patient"s condition, all patients were given proper nutrition therapy. The serum protein were measured on days 2, 7, 14 after admission by albumin and ALT. The serum protein were analyzed between the groups in different time. Results The more severe traumatic brain injury, albumin decreased more significantly, ALT rise more obviously. And albumin levels were negatively correlated, were positively correlated with ALT. The albumin of heavy group and medium group were significantly lower than the control group. There was significant difference(P<0.05). There was no significant difference among light group and control group. The ALT of heavy group and medium group were significantly higher than the control group. There was significant difference (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between light group and control group. Conclusion Serum protein are closely related with traumatic brain injury. After traumatic brain injury, a variety of protein were expressed in an abnormal manner. The greater the change of serum protein, the more severe traumatic brain injury.