• Fabry病一例报道并文献复习
  • A case report of Fabry disease and reviw of literature
  • 何泳,胡采红,张新,刘端,章英,彭清平,王晓慧.Fabry病一例报道并文献复习[J].内科急危重症杂志,2016,22(5):
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    中文关键词:  Fabry病  终末期肾衰竭 α-半乳糖苷酶  基因诊断
    英文关键词:Fabry  disease ESRD  A Gal  enzyme Gene  diagnosis
    何泳 武汉市第五医院 wskiyni@yeah.net 
    胡采红 武汉市第五医院  
    张新 武汉市第五医院  
    刘端 武汉市第五医院  
    章英 武汉市第五医院  
    彭清平 武汉市第五医院  
    王晓慧 武汉市第五医院 390638252@qq.com 
    摘要点击次数: 2839
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          目的:探讨Fabry 病的临床表现、诊断及鉴别诊断,提高临床医师对Fabry病的认识,降低漏诊率。方法:报道1例罕见的Fabry病肾损害,结合文献对该病的临床表现、诊断、鉴别诊断及治疗和预后进行探讨。结果:患者为中年男性,发病年龄为30岁,临床表现主要为肾脏损伤及周围神经病变,伴有尿毒症家族史,中性粒细胞测α-半乳糖苷酶示酶活性:0nmol/mg/hr,基因突变:p.H125T(c.373C>T),最终确诊Fabry病。患者曾至多家医院就诊,均未明确病因,漏诊率高。结论:Fabry病属于遗传性肾脏疾病,为临床罕见性疾病,容易漏诊,确诊需仔细的询问病史、肾脏病理检查、测定血清α-半乳糖苷酶水平及基因诊断。
          Objective: To investigate the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Fabry disease, to improve the understanding of Fabry disease and to reduce the rate of missed diagnosis. Methods: The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis were analyzed in one case of renal lesion of Fabry disease with review of the literature. Results: The age of the patient was a 30 years old man, and had a family history. The clinical manifestations were mainly kidney damage and peripheral neuropathy. The neutrophils measured alpha galactosidase enzyme activity showed: 0nmol/mg/hr, gene mutation: p.H125T (c.373C>T). Finally diagnosed as Fabry disease. The disease has not been diagnosed in a number of hospitals, with the high rate of misdiagnosis. Conclusion: Fabry disease is a rare hereditary disease, easily missed diagnosis, and the diagnosis should be careful about history, renal pathological examination, determination of serum alpha - galactose glucoside enzyme level and gene diagnosis.