• 自主呼吸试验通过后拔管失败原因分析
  • Analysis of extubation failure after a spontaneous breathing test
  • 冯煜坤.自主呼吸试验通过后拔管失败原因分析[J].内科急危重症杂志,2019,25(2):120-122
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    中文关键词:  自主呼吸试验  气管插管  机械通气
    冯煜坤 首都医科大学附属北京复兴医院 xxm2937@sina 
    摘要点击次数: 2061
    全文下载次数: 3028
          Objective: To analyze the reasons for the failure of extubation after spontaneous breathing test (SBT) and to improve the success rate of extubation. Methods: The clinical data of 126 patients who underwent mechanical ventilation and who underwent extubation after SBT in the intensive care unit (ICU) and the causes of extubation failure were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Twenty-eight patients (22.22%) had extubation failure. Of them 15 patients had extubation failure due to respiratory system, including 14 cases of airway secretion and respiratory surge, 1 case of respiratory arrest. There were 7 cases of hypoxemia, 3 cases of respiratory acidosis, including 1 case of laryngeal edema, 1 case of bronchoconstriction. There were 3 cases of increased consciousness disorder, including 1 case of cerebral hemorrhage. In patients with extubation failure, serum albumin levels were a protection factor for mortality in patients with extubation failure. Conclusion: SBT alone can be used to guide the withdrawal of the tube, but there may be some limitations in the removal of the tube. In addition to the respiratory system, the oxygenation state, the central nervous system, and the nutritional status may affect the extubation outcome. In the patients with mechanical extubation, the respiratory tract, central nervous system, cardiac function and nutritional status should be still fully evaluated.