• 膈肌超声对重症患者机械通气撤机的预测价值
  • Predictive value of diaphragmatic ultrasound in weaning of mechanical ventilation of critical ill patients
  • 赵浩天等.膈肌超声对重症患者机械通气撤机的预测价值[J].内科急危重症杂志,2020,26(3):199-202
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    中文关键词:  撤机  膈肌移动度  膈肌增厚率  机械通气
    赵浩天等 河北省人民医等 :zhheling@sina.com 
    摘要点击次数: 2222
    全文下载次数: 3226
          Objective: To evaluate the predictive value of diaphragmatic ultrasound in guiding the outcome in weaning of mechanical ventilation (MV) patients. Methods: Forty one critical ill patients received MV over 48h enrolled in this study. The T piece was used for spontaneous breathing test (SBT) when meeting the criteria of weaning. At the 30 min of SBT, the diaphragm excursion (DE) and the diaphragm thickening fraction (DTF) of right hemi diaphragm were measured by ultrasound. These patients were divided into success weaning group (26 cases) and failure weaning group (15 cases) according to the results of the weaning. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the guidance value of the diaphragmatic ultrasound index in weaning of the mechanical ventilation. Results: The DE and DTF in the successful weaning group were significantly increased as compared with those in the failure weaning group (all P <0.05). Using 1.08 cm and 30% as the cut off values of DE and DTF respectively, the sensitivity of predicting the success of weaning was80.77% and 65.38%, the specificity was 80.00% and 60.00%, and the area under the ROC curve was 0.751 (95% CI: 0.571 0.932) and 0.668 (95% CI : 0.484 0.852), respectively. Conclusion: Ultrasonic monitoring of diaphragm function can be used as a predictor of MV weaning capacity in the department of intensive care unit, which has a better predictive value for weaning.