• 醒脑静与奥拉西坦联用对高压氧治疗一氧化碳中毒早期疗效分析
  • Curative effect analysis of Xingnaojing, olathe temple and hyperbaric oxygen in olathe combination on early hyperbaric oxygen treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning patients
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    中文关键词:  醒脑静  奥拉西坦  高压氧  一氧化碳
    英文关键词:Xingnaojing  Olathe temple  Hyperbaric oxygen  Carbon monoxide
    陈永华 广州市番禺区中心医院 511400
    张广潮 广州市番禺区中心医院 
    陈子清 广州市番禺区中心医院 
    赖世铿 广州市番禺区中心医院 
    摘要点击次数: 194
    全文下载次数: 10
          目的:分析醒脑静与奥拉西坦联用对高压氧治疗一氧化碳中毒早期疗效。方法:选取2014年1月~2016年4月本院收治的56例一氧化碳中毒患者,根据入院顺序分为观察组和对照组,28例每组。对照组采取高压氧进行治疗,观察组采取醒脑静、奥拉西坦及高压氧进行治疗。比较两组患者的临床疗效、昏迷恢复时间、肝肾功能改善情况。结果:治疗后,观察组总的有效率显著高于对照组[92.86%(26/28)比60.71%(17/28)](P<0.05)。观察组的从治疗到神志恢复正常时间及从治疗到肢体运动恢复至正常时间显著短于对照组[(1.97±0.25)h、(2.32±0.36)h比(3.87±0.37)h、(7.65±0.45)h](P<0.05)。 治疗后,观察组的谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶显著低于对照组[(12.32±1.25)U/L、(27.65±2.03)U/L比(26.54±2.43)U/L、(35.43±3.41)U/L](P<0.05)。观察组的血肌酐显著低于对照组[(87.43±3.46)μmol/L比(103.21±8.43)μmol/L](P<0.05)。结论:一氧化碳中毒患者采取醒脑静与奥拉西坦联合高压氧方式治疗能有效缩短患者的昏迷时间,改善患者的肝肾功能,临床疗效良好。
          Objective: To analyze curative effect analysis of Xingnaojing, olathe temple and hyperbaric oxygen in olathe combination on early hyperbaric oxygen treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning patients. Methods: 56 cases of carbon monoxide poisoning patients from January 2014 to April 2016 in our hospital were researched, according to admission order were divided into observation group and control group, 28 cases in each group. The control group were taken take the hyperbaric oxygen for treatment, observation group were taken xingnaojing, olathe and hyperbaric oxygen for treatment. The clinical efficacy of two groups of patients, coma recovery time, liver and kidney function to improve the situation were compared. Results: After treatment, the observation group total effectiveness was significantly higher than the control group [92.86% (26/28), 60.71%(17/28)] (P < 0.05). Observation group of treatment to mind back to normal time and treatment to the physical movement back to normal time was significantly shorter than the control group[(1.97±0.25)h,(2.32±0.36)h VS (3.87±0.37)h,(7.65±0.45)h] (P < 0.05). After treatment, the observation group aspertate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase significantly lower than the control group[(12.32±1.25)U/L,(27.65±2.03)U/L VS(26.54±2.43)U/L,(35.43±3.41)U/L] (P < 0.05). Observation group serum creatinine was significantly lower than the control group [(87.43±3.46)μmol/L VS(103.21±8.43)μmol/L] (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Carbon monoxide poisoning patients take xingnaojing, Olathe temple and hyperbaric oxygen treatment can effectively shorten the patient"s coma time, improve the patient"s liver and kidney function, clinical curative effect is good.