• Sirtuins与脓毒症的研究进展
  • Advances in Sirtuins and sepsis
  • 莫兴兴,葛勤敏.Sirtuins与脓毒症的研究进展[J].内科急危重症杂志,2017,23(2):
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    中文关键词:  沉默信息调节因子  脓毒症  炎性介质  免疫反应  生物代谢
    英文关键词:Sirtuins  Sepsis  inflammatory mediators  immune response  biological metabolism
    莫兴兴 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院急诊科 moxingxing6272@126.com 
    葛勤敏 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院急诊科 上海 邮编200092 geqinmin@126.com 
    摘要点击次数: 10091
    全文下载次数: 7342
          脓毒症是一种由微生物感染引起,导致宿主调节功能异常,包括炎性因子级联释放,内皮功能障碍,细胞凋亡,免疫抑制,最终导致多器官功能障碍的疾病综合征。现今脓毒症患者的死亡率仍居高不下,这与其复杂的病理生理学机制密切相关。Sirtuins家族作为一类依赖NAD 的高度保守的蛋白脱酰化酶,其可以通过催化组蛋白和非组蛋白底物的赖氨酸侧链发生去酰化反应,减少促炎因子的释放,影响线粒体功能,改变线粒体活性氧生成,能量代谢及免疫反应等,对于控制炎症反应,维持基因组稳定等有着重要作用。本篇就Sirtuins可能在脓毒症急性炎症、免疫和代谢中的作用,及其对脓毒症治疗的应用前景作一综述。
          Sepsis is an infection caused by microorganisms, resulting in a host regulatory function abnormalities, including the release of a cascade of inflammatory cytokines, endothelial dysfunction, apoptosis, immune suppression, eventually leading to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome disease. Although patients with sepsis mortality remains high now, which is closely related to its complex pathophysiology mechanisms. Sirtuins as a NAD -dependent highly conserved deacylases, which may deacylate lysine residues of some histone or non-histone substrates , reducing the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, affecting mitochondrial function, altering mitochondrial ROS generation, energy metabolism and immune response and so on, in order to control inflammation and maintaining genomic stability. This review is aimed to elucidate the possible role of Sirtuins in septic acute inflammation, immune and metabolic process, valuing the prospects for septic treatment.